My formative days in ufology, like many others who grew up in the U.K., (in my case, Glasgow, Scotland) during the late 1970s and 1980s, largely consisted of reading everything ever written by the wondrous Jenny Randles, then graduating to computer bulletin boards, including the U.S. based FidoNet and ParaNet, where you could read the latest UFO conspiratorial rants from William (Bill) Cooper and John Lear, plus receive regular updates on Dulce, New Mexico, an allegedly covert underground base, jointly operated with aliens. This led to regular attendances at the yearly UFO Magazine conference in Leeds, England, where I first met and subsequently became good friends with the late Graham Birdsall, the magazine's editor. At Graham's invitation, I wrote several articles for the magazine and later on established a Yahoo based forum, The UFO Research List (UFORL), which existed from 1999 until 2004, when Yahoo ceased to offer a hosting service. During that time, I was regularl...