How many people, within the media or otherwise, realise that Bob Lazar's tales, do not concern a covert U.S. government, crash-retreival program.
Instead, the archetypal 'flying saucers' had seemingly been left behind, by some departing aliens, our now similarly archetypal 'greys'
Lazar provides a neat synopsis in his early video release 'The Lazar Tape and Excerpts from the Government Bible', which will be revisited shortly.
Meantime, in order to illustrate the elemental context and perspective involved, we must first, again, lay out our foundations.
For those unfamiliar with John Lear, he was infamous for irrational and often downright ludicrous, lengthy, conspiratorial rants, frequently incorporating clandestine, U.S. government liaisons with aliens.
In June of 1988, Lear statedly received a telephone call from Gene Huff, a Los Angeles real estate appraiser, who expressed an interest in Lear's publications.
Huff agreed with Lear to provide a real estate appraisal, in exchange for some of Lear's material, on video.
When Huff subsequently arrived, he was accompanied by a friend, who helped take measurements.
His name was Robert Lazar.
The eventual settlement, also included a commercial video which Huff/Lazar had expressed an interest in watching.
It was about Billy Meier's 'flying saucer' photographs/films.
Over the next four to five months, Lear and Huff exchanged UFO related information.
Lear avows that although, initially, Lazar remained skeptical, he became increasingly more persuaded, especially having seen the Billy Meier material.
On 13 December 13, 1987, John Lear had written, in a letter::
Here is a list of some of the probable visitors to Earth from outer space.
The only known home of these visitors is that of the EBE's and which is Zeta Reticuli 1 & 2, a binary star system visible from the Southern Hemisphere approximately 38 light years away with a spectral class of G2, identical to our Sun.
...Types of EBE's (Greys)
Grey-1: 3-1/2 ft. tall, large head, large slanted eyes.
On August 25, 1988 Lear also published the following article, online;
During the late 60's or early 70's MJ-12, representing the U.S. government, made a deal with these creatures called EBE's (extra-terrestrial biological entities, named by Detley Bronk, original MJ-12 member and sixth president of Johns Hopkins University).
The "deal" was that in exchange for "technology" that they would provide to us we agreed to "ignore" the abductions that were going on and suppress information on the cattle mutilations. The EBE's assured MJ-12 that the abductions (usually lasting about two hours) were merely the ongoing monitoring of developing civilizations.
After the initial agreement, Groom Lake, one of this nation's most secret test centers, was closed for a period of about a year sometime between 1972 and 1974, and a huge underground facility was constructed for and with the help of the EBE's.
During the period 1979-1983 it became increasingly obvious to MJ-12 that things were not going as planned. It became known that many more people (in the thousands) were being abducted than were listed on the official abduction reports.
According to some, there was an altercation between the U.S. military and the aliens at the Dulce laboratory. A special armed forces unit was called in to try and free a number of our people trapped in the facility who had become aware of what was really going on. According to one source, 66 of the soldiers were killed in the effort.
As these words are being written, Dr. Edward Teller, "father" of the H-bomb is personally in the nuclear test tunnels of the Nevada Test Site, driving his workers and associates in the words of one, "like a man possessed."
And well he should be, for Dr. Teller is a member of MJ-12...
Within the Aquarius program was Project Snowbird, a project to test fly a recovered alien aircraft at Groom Lake, Nevada.
This project continues today at that location.
In the words of an individual who works at Groom Lake "our people are much better at taking things apart than they are at putting them back together."
Another saw a saucer being trucked into the Nevada Test Site in March of 1988. Still another informant witnessed a saucer being buried at that location during the second week of August, 1988.
Three months later, during November 1988, Bob Lazar informed Lear that, via assistance from Dr Edward Teller he had successfully applied for a position at Groom Lake.
On 6 December, 1988, Lazar called to see Lear and informed Lear that he had seen and touched a 'disc', at Groom Lake.
According to Lear, Bob Lazar wanted Lear to be the first to know, as he had seen Lear, "take so much crap" during the past six months.
Which resultantly brings us full circle and the background as to why there were supposedly a variety of 'flying discs' at Groom Lake, being analyzed in the first place
At 00:31 into our video, the ',government bible' is explained by Bob Lazar and incorporates:
This technology that you have learned about thus far, was brought here by some alien beings in the constellation of reticulum, which can only be seen from the southern hemisphere.
Zeti Reticuli is a binary star system, which means it has two stars and is located approximately 30 light years from earth.
These beings are from Reticulum 4, which is the fourth planet out from Zeta Reticuli 2.
This is the way star systems were referred to in these reports. They simply designate the name of the star and the number of planets from the nearest to the furthest from the star.
For instance, our sun was designated as Sol and the earth was referred to as Sol 3, because we're the third planet out from the sun.
A day on Reticulum 4 is 90 earth hours long.
The beings are 3 to 4 feet tall and weigh 25 to 50 pounds.
They have greyish skin and arge heads, with almond-shaped, wrap-around eyes.
They have very slight nose, mouth and ear positions and are hairless.
These beings said that they had been visiting earth for a long time and provided photographic evidence, which they contended was over 10,000 years old.
There was an exchange of hardware and information in central Nevada until 1979, at which time there was a conflict, which brought the program to an abrupt halt.
The beings left, but were to return... I don't know what that date is.
With the remaining hardware and information, the U.S. government started the back-engineering program.
In May of 1987, some scientists took an antimatter reactor to an underground blast facility on the Nevada test site to perform an experiment.
Unfortunately for them, their experiment required them to cut the reactor open, which resulted in their deaths.
This explosion was explained to others at the test site, as a previously unannounced, low-yield, underground nuke test.
I was hired in December of 1988, to replace one of these men.
These beings conveyed information about the capability of affecting the human brain to anaesthetise the human body. This is done without any physical contact, from a remote source.
These beings said that man was the product of externally corrected evolution. They said that man, as a species, had been genetically altered 65 times.
They referred to humans as containers, yet I don't know what we're containers of.
For the sake of brevity, other details have been omitted, however, that is the gist of it all
As we can plainly see, it largely comprises a carbon-copy of those patently ridiculous ravings, made by Lear on 13 December, 1987 and regurgitated, with variations, on 25 August, 1988.
Lear cites a serious fire-fight, at the Dulce underground base and subsequently confirmed the exact year:
In 1979, there was an altercation of sorts at the Archuletta laboratory. Delta Force was called in to try and free a number of people trapped in the facility who had become aware of what was really going on.
66 of the soldiers were killed in the effort and our people were not freed.
Lazar says that in 1979, the Nevada alien coalition ended abruptly.
Separate to this video, he did confirm yet another astonishing similarity:
Allegedly what happened in '79... there was allegedly some kind of information exchange going on, where there were actually live aliens at the facility and at one particular point, there was an area where some security personnel went to enter... and apparently because... not the side arms, but the bullets in the side arms, from what I understand, if they'd entered the area, the bullets would have detonated...
...and supposedly one of the creatures tried to stop the security personnel from entering the area and a fight ensued...
...and the bottom line from the altercation, was that the security personnel... I don't remember how many were involved... were all killed.
They died of head wounds and that's all that I heard of that story.
Further insight was later available, as reported:
Los Angeles Times
6 May, 1991
It might sound refreshingly scientific if Lazar weren't responsible for the wildest tale of all. In 1979, he says, a military Special Forces officer inadvertently violated intergalactic etiquette by carrying a gun into a classroom occupied by several aliens and 44 U.S. scientists.
When the aliens understandably killed the officer for his bad manners, other Special Forces personnel - watching the incident on a video monitor-stormed the class- room.
Alas, they, too, were liquidated. And, for good measure, so were the 44 scientists.
Fortunately, the government didn't have to explain this tragedy to the public: It had wisely hired scientists who were orphans or had few family ties.
Unless new evidential material surfaces to the contrary...
Ultimately, the Bob Lazar saga comprises:
1. Claimed academic qualifications, including notably a thesis on magnetohydrodynamics, which are patently bogus. Also, it has been known for some years, that Linda Moulton Howe revealed details of a meeting with Lazar in May 1990, during which he acknowledged never having entered higher education.
2. A complex yarn, spun around the frame of existing conspiracy theories, spread by his friend, John Lear.
3. A 'flying saucer', copied straight from Billy Meier's faked images.
4. Tying into the fraudulent MJ-12 letters and consequential mythology.
During another early videotaped interview, Lazar proclaims::
My official job description was a senior staff physicist.
There were 22 people with MAJESTIC clearance.
I had MAJESTIC clearance and MAJESTIC clearance was designated 38 levels above 'Q' clearance and 'Q' clearance is the civilian top secret clearance.
This was supplemented by way of claiming his security badge had a related, designated ID of:
5. Similarly, this top-secret ID featured as an employee reference on his fake, typed, W-2 payslip, which is somewhat akin to James Bond having '007' on his.
Blank W-2 forms would be readily available for small businesses.
6. Interesting that our purported EBEs are from Zeta Reticuli and presumably an association with the Barney and Betty Hill, September 1961 case?
On which, this very thing is mentioned in an online article from the BBC 'Sky at Night':
In his 25 August, 1988 article, John Lear refers to a 'Grand Deception'.
How appropriate, when you have such... potentially... massive subterfuge on the worldwide scale of Bob Lazar, et al.
In effect, a prodigy of Lear, some might surmise
Whilst arguably just another UFO story, the distasteful aspect is, of course, seeing people in search of an honest answer, being duped and worse, to such a barefaced extent, it is little more than contempt for them.
All nothing new admist the fog of ufology, just adding to a lineage of smokescreens and carnival mirrors, which the more you understand researching its past, does seem to have an extensive history.
Will certainly be fascinating to see, if we ever learn, whether David Grusch has inadvertently been caught up in its web.
© James Easton
August 2023
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