The following is taken from a video question and answer session, with Linda Moulton Howe.
It pertains to a question Linda has answered the same way in other online videos, however this contains significantly further insight.
Caller's question: Good evening, Linda, what do you think of the Bob Lazar documentary recently released, any thoughts?
Linda Moulton Howe replies:
Well may I answer from my own personal face-to-face, with Bob Lazar.
Starting in 1988, when John Lear, Bob Lazar and George Knapp, myself and other people, would periodically cross paths in Las Vegas, or someplace and l got to know and like those guys and it was 1990; I was working at CNN.
And I was a producer and I got a call in Atlanta, at CNN, in my office from Bob Lazar.
And he said, "we're going to be doing something on memorial day here and if you can get here, we'd like to have you come and be part of the festivities and we can talk".
By the it had become controversial, about whether or not John... whether Bob Lazar with John Lear... had Bob Lazar been telling me truth about going to Area 51.. working for EG&G... all of that.
So I went to Las Vegas and met with all of those guys and was able to spend a lot of time on that memorial day weekend... and I believe it was 1990.
And here is the moment of talking with Bob Lazar, that is indelible in my mind.
He was showing me in his kitchen how he ran the film for the real estate offices that he worked for, filming houses.
And he was in the process of doing that, just to show me that this is what he did and he had told me that when Stanton Friedman had questioned him about the fact he had no degree from MIT, he said I never, ever said I had a degree, or anything like that.
What happened, Linda, is, I'm an adopted child and my parents lived in Florida and they didn't make much money and I had gone to school with some buddies; we liked electrical things, we liked engineering, we liked taking cars apart and some of my buddies got accepted to MIT.
He said, I drove up to see them, as my friends and I went to one of their classes, for a few days.
He would just go and sit and "I learned some things, I became even more interested in having some kind of a career, in which I would be dealing with electronics and engineering things" and he said, "that's what I learned at MIT".
"I never told anybody I had a degree".
That's Bob's first-hand version to me.
(End of extract)
Lazar is portrayed as always having been honest concerning his educational background and never claiming to have been awarded one or more, degrees.
How can Linda Moulton Howe be unaware that the categorical opposite is true?
From Bob Lazar's own introduction, in the early video documentary, 'The Lazar Tape and Excerpts from the Government Bible', co-produced by Lazar and Gene Huff:
"Hi, I'm Bob Lazar.
For those of you whose information about me is limited to this video, I'll give you a brief background.
I'm a physicist. I have degrees in Physics and Electronics Technology".
Lazar adopts a patronising attitude throughout, stating he will try to explain some things slowly, for those who are not scientists, like himself:
On 20 December, 1989, during an interview for the 'Billy Goodman Happening' radio program, Lazar also avowed:
"I have two masters degrees; one's in physics; one's in electronics.
I wrote my thesis on MHD, which is magnetohydrodynamics".
Conversely, how can Lazar's long time advocate, George Knapp, not have been been aware at some point, at that time, of the truth. Instead, he became a mainstay supporter of Lazar's ludicrous assertions that all of his academic achievements had been erased to discredit him.
To this day, has the truth about Lazar's bogus academic claims ever been addressed, or such a fundamental inconvenience, best it remains covered up and not disclosed.
George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell, the latter now also widely championing Lazar's claims, have statedly been close friends of David Grush for over a year and in regular contact:
Grusch is presumably therefore aware, of an entirely one-sided promotion.
Lazar's story is not, of course, a simple tale of reverse-engineering actual, generic flying saucers, it incorporates a long-standing alien liaison and the reality of both MJ-12 and Billy Meier's photographs.
The genesis of all therein, can easily be demonstrated to originate from John Lear's written, crackpot ravings and subsequently utilised by Lazar, almost to the letter.
In June 1988, Lear statedly received a telephone call from Gene Huff, a Los Angeles real estate appraiser, who expressed an interest in Lear's publications.
Huff agreed with Lear to provide a real estate appraisal, in exchange for some of Lear's material, on video.
When Huff subsequently arrived, he was accompanied by a friend, who helped take measurements.
His name was Robert Lazar, who claimed to have worked at Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL) and now owned a photograph processing business in Las Vegas.
The eventual settlement, also included a commercial video which Huff/Lazar had expressed an interest in watching.
It was about Billy Meier's 'flying saucer' photographs/films.
In a 1989 interview, John Lear stated:
So anyway, that was like in June of '88. So over the next four or five months, Gene and I and Bob exchanged information. And Bob, you know, he... There was three or four things that pushed him over from "This is totally ridiculous," to "It might be true."
During that four to five month period and the 'exchange of information' and only two months after first meeting Bob Lazar, John Lear published the following:
by John Lear
August 25, 1988
After the initial agreement, Groom Lake, one of this nation's most secret test centers, was closed for a period of about a year sometime between 1972 and 1974, and a huge underground facility was constructed for and with the help of the EBE's.
The other part (and majority) of MJ-12 argued that there was no way they could do that, that the situation was untenable and there was no use in exciting the public with the "horrible truth" and that the best plan was to continue the development of a weapon or "plan of containment" that could be used against the EBE's under the guise of "SDI," the so-called Strategic Defense Initiative, which has nothing whatever to do with a defense for inbound Russian nuclear missiles. In fact, the real definition of purpose for SDI reads "the plotting, tracking and acquisition of articles in deep space."
As these words are being written, Dr. Edward Teller, "father" of the H-bomb is personally in the nuclear test tunnels of the Nevada Test Site, driving his workers and associates in the words of one, "like a man possessed."
And well he should be, for Dr. Teller is a member of MJ-12...
This military officer answers questions relating to the history of MJ12 and the cover-up, the recovery of a number of flying saucers, and the existence of a live alien (one of three living aliens captured and designated EBE-1, EBE-2 and EBE-3, being held in a facility designated as YY-II at Los Alamos, New Mexico.
The officer also relates the fact that the EBE's claim to have created Christ. The EBE's have a type of recording device that has recorded all of earth's history and can display it in the form of a hologram. This hologram can be filmed but because of the way holograms work, it does not come out very clear on film or videotape.
NSA's Project Aquarius deals specifically with "communications with aliens." Within the Aquarius program was Project Snowbird, a project to test fly a recovered alien aircraft at Groom Lake, Nevada.
This project continues today at that location.
In the words of an individual who works at Groom Lake "our people are much better at taking things apart than they are at putting them back together."
Addressing Bob Lazar's 'conversion', Lear continues, in that same interview:
There was three or four things that pushed him over from "This is totally ridiculous," to "It might be true." And one of them was, in those days we knew about a secret facility at Los Alamos called YYII, and my information was that it was where they held aliens there.
And then there was something else. But anyway, Bob found out -
Yeah, there WAS YY-II. And yeah, it was WAY more classified than he could get in.
The overall context, incorporates:
Here is a list of some of the probable visitors to Earth from outer space. The only known home of these visitors is that of the EBE's and which is Zeta Reticuli 1 & 2, a binary star system visible from the Southern Hemisphere approximately 38 light years away with a spectral class of G2, identical to our Sun.
This technology that you've learned about thus far, was brought here by alien beings from the Zeta Reticulum 1 & 2 star system.
These stars are located in the constellation of Reticulum, which can only be seen from the southern hemisphere.
Zeta Reticuli is a binary star system, which means it has two stars and is located approximately 30 light years from Earth.
These beings are from Reticilum 4, which is the fourth planet out from Zeta Reticuli 2.
Three Types of EBE's (Greys).
Grey-1: 3-1/2 ft. tall, large head, large slanted eyes.
The beings are 3 to 4 feet tall and weigh between 25 to 50 pounds.
They have greyish skin and large heads, with almond-shaped, wraparound eyes.
In 1979, there was an altercation of sorts at the Archuletta laboratory.Delta Force was called in to try and free a number of people trapped inthe facility who had become aware of what was really going on. 66 of the soldiers were killed in the effort and our people were not freed.
Allegedly what happened in '79... there was allegedly some kind of information exchange going on, where there were actually live aliens at the facility and at one particular point, there was an area where some security personnel eent to enter... and apparently because... not the side arms, but the bullets in the side arms, from what I understand, if they'd entered the area, the bullets would have detonated...
...and supposedly one of the creatures tried to stop the security personnel from entering the area and a fight ensued...
...and the bottom line from the altercation, was that the security personnel... I don't remember how many were involved... were all killed.
They died of head wounds and that's all that I heard of that story.
Now, the Meier story is true. There's no doubt about it.
He took pictures, he went on rides. I don't care whether you say that, you know, "There were pictures of dinosaurs," or "The lady came out of Sears Magazine." That's all contamination. The fact is, it was true.
It looked like... if anyone's familiar with Billy Meier's sighting... very astonishingly similar to that craft...
When asked during a 1989 radio interview if he had a security badge, Lazar replied:
"It's a white badge. It has two -- a light blue and a dark blue -- diagonal stripes through it. On the top it says MAJ-12. The clearance level is called MAJESTIC; I don't know if that was, like I said before I don't know if that means anything as far as the MAJESTIC-12 documents go, or if they just called that clearance that as a nostalgia type of thing. My picture was on it -- what else was on it...
Did it have both MAJ and MAJESTIC -- both words?
The only place I ever saw MAJESTIC was on Dennis's [Mariano] badge, who was my supervisor, and his badge looks slightly different. I don't know if it was an older kind or what.
During another early videotaped interview, Lazar explains:
My official job description was a senior staff physicist.
There were 22 people with MAJESTIC clearance.
I had MAJESTIC clearance and MAJESTIC clearance was designated 38 levels above 'Q' clearance and 'Q' clearance is the civilian top secret clearance.
The information on a W-2 IRS form, for 1989, produced as evidence, has been typed on a blank form, which is available to purchase.
It contains an identification, 'E-6722MAJ', which Lazar also incorporates on the depiction of his security badge.
The EBE's have a type of recording device that has recorded all of earth's history and can display it in the form of a hologram.
From Linda Moulton Howe's online video, 'Linda Moulton Howe on Bob Lazar', Linda recalls:
It was Bob Lazar who told me, that one of the books he had handled, apparently put down in front of him, at the McCarran airport, so that he couldn't fly in the plane to get out to Area 51...
He said that it was the most amazing book, that you'd be holding it with the left hand, on a spine... and the front cover would say 'sol 3'... s.o.l.3... 'third planet from the sun, earth'.
Then you would turn the book upside-down and change the spine with the... on the right-hand... and then when you opened the book, it would be completely oriented in a different way and it was called Reticuli 4' and he tells me it was the fourth planet, in one of the two solar systems, in the binary Zeta Reticuli 1 & 2 system, that Reticuli 4 is where the beings that created this book and were involved with Area 51and the earth cane from.
And he said the amazing thing was, when you were in the Reticulan 4, you would move a page somehow and move your hands and holograms would come right up from the pages...
As regards the existence of Area 51 never having been known about, or acknowledged previously, I have discovered it actually featured by name in a United Press (UP) news release, published by some newspapers on 18 October, 1963, see 'TEST SITE STRIKE':
It is further mentioned, with exact location, in the report of a tragic accident, by the 'San Bernardino County Sun', on 28 September, 1967 - see 'Probes Crash Of Fighter':
A final reference, again sadly featuring a pilot fatality and pre Lazar, is particularly pertinent.
'The Daily Herald:
24 August, 1979
'Test Plane Crashes, Pilot Dead'
NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. (UPI) A test aircraft possibly flying out of a heavily guarded, secret area adjacent to the Nevada Test Site, crashed Thursday killing the pilot, according to a terse military announcement.
A spokesman for the Air Force said "no other information is available."
The announcement released shortly before midnight Thursday, said:
"An Air Force specially modified test aircraft crashed in the desert on the Nellis range complex today. The pilot was killed. No other personnel were involved. The plane was on a training flight The cause is not determined. No other information is available."
The name of the test pilot was not revealed nor the exact location of the crash. The Air Force spokesman declined to explain the term "specially modified test aircraft".
An area located near the northeast corner of the Nevada Test Site known as area 51, was used by the military and the Department of Defense to test the United States U-2 spy plane some years ago.
Recent activity in the same area has given rise to unconfirmed reports that the government again is using the remote desert region as a secret base for experimental aircraft.
The Air Force confirmed the crash of a "specially modified test aircraft" several weeks ago in southern Nevada in which the pilot survived No further information was ever released.
What then is a "specially modified test aircraft".
It is a phrase which was later revealed to have a relationship with aerial vehicles, not of U.S. origin and might perhaps have involved some interest in reverse-engineering of technology.
This, however, was in respect of clandestinely acquired aircraft, such as Soviet MIG fighter jets.
All of the material cited in this summation is from documented evidence only and exists solely for that purpose.
Hopefully it might prove helpful in finding a pathway through the relentless smoke and mirrors.
© James Easton
August 2023