To recap; John Lear and Bob Lazar first met in June of 1988 and in November of that year, Lazar professes to have commenced occasional work at Groom Lake's S-4 facility. As previously highlighted, John Lear's absurd conspiratorial outbursts, included the tale of a clandestine liaison between the U.S. government and alien 'greys', from the Zeta Reticuli star system. This was evidently a foundation of Lazar's own story, as regards how the U.S. held a collection of archetypal 'flying saucers' - they had been abandoned after a fatal dispute between both parties, in 1979. According to Lazar, said conflict resulted in the deaths of 44 scientists, news of which was successfully prevented from leaking, as those scientists had specifically been employed, because they either had no family, or were orphans. In Lear's version, the outcome of a similar 1979 scenario, at the Archuletta laboratory, in New Mexico, was 66 military personnel being killed. I wondered if t...